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Group Classes

Puppy Socialization Head Start - 3:30 PM Sunday – (At The Pampered Pet Hotel & Spa in Woodland Hills) 1 hour per week for 4 weeks. For puppies from 10 weeks to 6 months and will focus on socializing puppies with puppies, people, different sufaces, sights, sounds, etc.  A basic clicker introduction will be included as well as basics like Sit, Down, and Come.  Potty training, crate training, and puppy manners will be covered.  The best way to set your puppy up for success in the future!  



Beginning Obedience - Dates & times are variable* - (At The Pampered Pet Hotel & Spa in Woodland Hills)  1 hour per week for 6 weeks. Check out My Best Friend Obedience for More Class Dates and Locations - Sit, Down, and Stay in both of those positions, Come, Wait at gates and doorways, Leave-it (don’t touch it), Heel position, no Jumping up, and Walking on a Loose Leash (no pulling) are all covered in our basic obedience course and this course includes AKC STAR PUPPY TESTING (for dogs under 1 year of age) at our quarterly test.



Intermediate Obedience -  Dates & times are variable* - (At The Pampered Pet Hotel & Spa in Woodland Hills) 1 hour per week for 6 weeks. Continuation from beginning obedience, geared toward helping you pass the cgc test and all the beginning command below with more distraction and distance…and “Heel”!  Glued to the left side walking will help us achieve the dog to dog greeting we will be working on!  



Advanced Obedience -  Dates & times are variable* – (At Balboa Park, near the Sports Complex)  1 hour per week for 6 weeks.  For Intermediate graduate students (or with approval from instructor). Prep for the Canine Good Citizen Advanced Test.  



High Energy & Control/Focus On Agility - Dates & times are variable*– (Just outside of the Balboa Sports Complex at Balboa Park) 1 hour per week for 4 weeks.  This is a class specifically designed for our especially high energy K9 friends!  This class is particularly good for agility dogs, but is open to all high energy dogs.  Dogs must have at least an Intermediate level education and be social with other dogs.  



Tricks Level I Class - Dates & times are variable* – (At The Pampered Pet Hotel & Spa) 1 hour per week for 6 weeks. Paw, Wave, Back-up, Crawl, Bow, Spin Left & Right, Sit Up (Stick-em Up!), Play Dead (On Your Side), Roll-Over, Sad Puppy (Head Down), Leg Weaves (Figure Eight), and a caught behavior.  This is a great intro level tricks class, and would also be a good review for a lot of the dogs as it will be in a different location! 


Tricks Level II Class - Dates & times are variable* –  (At The Pampered Pet Hotel & Spa) 1 hour per week for 6 weeks. This class is for students who have already taken the Tricks I class, or who already know basic tricks and are interested in learning more!  Tricks include getting a handkerchief or tissue when you sneeze, jumping through a hoop, hiding eyes, weaving through legs, rolling up in a blanket, etc.  

Intro & Continuing Rally Obedience - Dates & times are variable* –  (At The Pampered Pet Hotel & Spa) 1 hour per week for 6 weeks. We will cover what Novice Rally Obedience entails, what the signs are, and teach the dogs how to perform each one.  A whole lot of fun for our more advanced dogs!  


Agility Classes - Check out Jump City Agility



Obedience, Intro to Agility, and Specialty Classes also taught at The Wallis Annenberg PetSpace

​*For more information on group classes check out My Best Friend Obedience
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